査読付き論文 (Peer reviewed articles)
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*: 筆頭著者, §: 連絡著者, 下線: 本人
-投稿中 (Submitted)-
-印刷中 (In press)-
69. 中濵直之*§.
地球環境, 29: 151-156.
68. 中濵直之*§, 井鷺裕司.
保全生態学研究, 29: 25-35.
67. Sakata Y*§, Hirota KS, Matsuo A, Kobayashi K, Nakahama N, Suyama Y.
Contrasting patterns of genetic structure and population demography in two Dicraeus species feeding on bamboo flowers in Japan.
Biological Journal of the Linnean Society, 143: blad171
66. Nakahama N*§, Hamano T, Fujimoto M, Eto A.
Utilization of abandoned land as cattle grazing restores butterfly and flowering plant diversities in Japan.
Ecological Research, 39: 730-743.
本論文はEditors' Choiceに選ばれました。
神戸新聞: 「但馬牛放牧でチョウや植物の多様性回復 美方のスキー場や耕作放棄地 研究グループ「伝統的飼育が環境と調和」」
日本農業新聞: 「[生物多様性と農業 COP16を前に](中)放牧で花・チョウ豊か」
65. Hamano T*§, Ohba S, Kojima W, Nakahama N.
Discovery of genetic disturbance in Japanese rhinoceros beetles (Scarabaeidae, Coleoptera) in the Goto Islands, Japan.
Japanese Journal of Environmental Entomology and Zoology, 35: 57-62.
64. Nakahama N*§, Konagaya T, Ueda S, Hirai N, Yago, M, Yaida A. Y, Ushimaru A, Isagi Y.
Road to extinction: archival samples unveiled the process of inbreeding depression during artificial breeding in an almost extinct butterfly species.
Biological Conservation, 296:110686.
朝日新聞:「26匹いたら違う未来も オガサワラシジミ、飼育途絶えた要因を解明」https://www.asahi.com/articles/ASS7C3SB8S7CULBH001M.html
NHKニュース: 「小笠原諸島固有のチョウ 繁殖も途絶 “遺伝的多様性が失われ”」
日本経済新聞: 「保護・飼育のチョウ 近親交配が繁殖の壁」
産経新聞: 「絶滅危惧チョウのオガサワラシジミ、人工繁殖失敗の意外な原因判明 種の保全の難しさ浮上」
神戸新聞: 「絶滅に近いチョウ「オガサワラシジミ」、人工繁殖なぜ失敗? ひとはく研究員らが解明」
東京新聞: 「遺伝的多様性失い 途絶えた繁殖 小笠原諸島固有のチョウ、オガサワラシジミ 限られた個体数 近親交配繰り返す」
共同通信:「チョウ繁殖失敗は近親交配 遺伝的多様性減、小笠原」
63. Kryukov K*§, Nakahama N, Kuraku S.
Genome assembly catalog for species in the Japanese Red List: unlocking endangered biodiversity through genomic inventory
F1000Research, 13: 583.
62. Kurata S*§, Mano S, Nakahama N, Hirota S, Suyama Y, Ito M.
Development of mitochondrial DNA cytochrome c oxidase subunit I primer sets to construct DNA barcoding library using next-generation sequencing.
Biodiversity Data Journal, 12: e117014.
61. Ueda S*§, Nakasuji C, Nakahama N, Hirai N, Ishii M.
Development of microsatellite markers for the endangered butterfly Luehdorfia japonica Leech, 1889 (Lepidoptera: Papilionidae).
Entomological Science, 27: e12572
60. Hayamizu M*§, Nakahama N*, Ohwaki A, Kinoshita G, Uchida Y, Koyama N, Kida K. (Equal Contribution*)
Effect of mowing on population maintenance of the endangered silver-studded blue butterfly, Plebejus subsolanus (Lepidoptera: Lycaenidae), throughout its life cycle in Japan.
Journal of Insect Conservation, 28, 437-448.
神戸新聞: 「絶滅危惧アサマシジミ守れ 北海道のチョウ、ひとはく研究員が調査 生息地で草刈り個体数増加」
59. 石田弘明*§, 黒田有寿茂, 中濱直之, 一町裕子
人と自然の博物館における希少植物保全のための 生息域外保全の取り組み.
兵庫ワイルドライフモノグラフ, 16: 50-58.
58. Taichi N*§, Nakahama N, Ohmido N, Ushimaru A.
Habitat diversification associated with urban development has little effect on genetic structure in the annual native plant Commelina communis in an East Asian megacity.
Ecology and Evolution, 14: e10975.
57. Mochizuki, K*§, Nakahama N.
Vincetoxicum pycnostelma Kitag. × V. glabrum (Nakai) Kitag.: A New Natural Hybrid From Hyogo Prefecture, Japan.
The Journal of Japanese Botany, 98: 227-232.
56. 黒田有寿茂*§, 中濵直之, 早坂大亮, 玉置雅紀, 花井隆晃.
干潟に生育する大型草本スパルティナ・アルテルニフロラ Spartina alterniflora: 生態特性と山口県下関市における侵入.
保全生態学研究, 28: 199-212.
55. Nakahama N*§, Kurata S, Ushimaru A.
Contribution of genetic analyses to semi-natural grassland biodiversity conservation in Japan.
Plant Species Biology, 38, 158-170.
54. Nakahama N*§, Okano R, Nishimoto Y, Nakatani Y, Noishiki A, Ogawa N.
The second phantom aquatic leaf beetle in Japan: Macroplea mutica rediscovery in the wetlands (Coleoptera: Chrysomelidae)
Entomological Science, 26: e12545.
神戸新聞: https://www.kobe-np.co.jp/news/sougou/202304/0016261551.shtml
朝日新聞: https://www.asahi.com/articles/ASR4M54VPR4LPLBJ008.html
53. Nakahama N*§, Yamasaki T*, Komazawa M, Nakano T. (Equal Contribution*)
Integrative approach clarifies the distinct taxonomic account of gryloblattids endemic to Hokkaido, Japan, with a description of two new species (Insecta, Grylloblattodea)
Zoologischer Anzeiger, 302: 17-27.
52. Nakahama N*§, Hayamizu M*, Iwasaki K, Nitta N.(Equal Contribution*)
Management and landscape of shelterbelts contribute to butterfly and flowering plant diversity in northern Japan.
Ecological Research, 37: 780-790.
本成果は北海道新聞道東版2022年9月7日、NHK 北海道 NEWS WEB 2022年9月13日に掲載されました。
北海道新聞: https://www.hokkaido-np.co.jp/article/727150?rct=n_hokkaido
NHK: https://www3.nhk.or.jp/sapporo-news/20220913/7000050601.html
51. Tomikawa K*§, Nishimoto Y, Nakahama N, Nakano, T.
A new species of the genus Pseudocrangonyx (Crustacea: Amphipoda: Pseudocrangonyctidae) from Yonaguni Island, southwest Japan, and historical biogeographic insights of pseudocrangonyctids.
Zoological Science, 39: 489-499.
50. 中濵直之*§, 安藤温子, 吉川夏彦, 井鷺裕司.
保全生態学研究, 27: 21-29.
49. Nakahama N*§, Hanaoka T, Itoh T, Kishimoto T, Ohwaki A, Matsuo A, Kitahara M, Usami S, Suyama Y, Suka T.
Identification of source populations for reintroduction in extinct populations based on genome-wide SNPs and mtDNA sequence: a case study of the endangered subalpine grassland butterfly Aporia hippia (Lepidoptera; Pieridae) in Japan.
Journal of Insect Conservation, 26:121-130.
長野日報: http://www.nagano-np.co.jp/articles/91374
信濃毎日新聞: https://www.shinmai.co.jp/news/article/CNTS2022032400156
中日新聞: https://www.chunichi.co.jp/article/445283
静岡新聞: https://www.at-s.com/sp/news/article/shizuoka/1049955.html
NHK信州NEWS: https://www3.nhk.or.jp/lnews/nagano/20220524/1010022674.html
48. Nakahama N*§, Okano R, Nishimoto Y, Matsuo A, Ito N, Suyama Y.
Possible dispersal of coastal and subterranean carabid beetle Thalassoduvalius masidai (Coleoptera) by ocean currents.
Biological Journal of the Linnean Society, 135: 265-276.
47. Kawakami Y*§, Yamazaki K, Ohashi K, Nakahama N.
Mitochondrial genetic structure reflects the geographical variation of elytral polymorphism frequency in Cheilomenes sexmaculata (Coleoptera: Coccinellidae)
Journal of Asia-Pacific Entomology, 24: 1270-1274.
46. Narita A*§, Nakahama N, Izuno A, Hayama K, Komaki Y, Tanaka T, Murata J, Isagi Y.
Conservation genetics of critically endangered Crepidiastrum grandicollum (Asteraceae) and two closely related woody species of the Bonin Islands, Japan.
Conservation Genetics, 22:717-727.
45. 加藤雅也*, 中濵直之§, 上田昇平, 平井規央, 井鷺裕司.
保全生態学研究, 26: 157-164.
44. Nakahama N*§, Asai T, Matsumoto S, Suetsugu K, Kurashima O, Matsuo A, Suyama Y.
Detection and dispersal risk of genetically disturbed individuals in endangered wetland plant species Pecteilis radiata (Orchidaceae) in Japan.
Biodiversity and Conservation, 30: 1913-1927.
毎日新聞: https://mainichi.jp/articles/20210424/ddl/k28/040/219000c
神戸新聞: https://www.kobe-np.co.jp/news/himeji/202105/0014296171.shtml
43. Seko Y*, Maebara Y*, Nakahama N, Nakamori T, Ishikawa N, Morikawa Y, Hayasaka D§, Sawahata T. (Equal Contribution*)
Population dynamics of invasive Argentine ant Linepithema humile Mayr, 1868 (Hymenoptera: Formicidae) haplotypes in Kobe Port, Japan, and implications on future dispersal prediction and effective management.
Bioinvasions Records, 10: 467-476.
42. 志村映実*, 櫻井大和, 渡辺恭平, 中濱直之, 奥田真未, 岩元明敏, 岩崎貴也§.
神奈川自然誌資料, 42:77-86.
41. Koyama A*§, Uchida K, Ozeki M, Iwasaki T, Nakahama N, Suka T.
Conservation of endangered and rare plants requires strategies additional to deer-proof fencing for conservation of subalpine plant diversity.
Applied Vegetation Science, 24:e12553.
40. Nakahama N*§, Furuta T*, Ando H, Setsuko S, Takayanagi A, Isagi Y. (Equal Contribution*)
DNA meta-barcoding revealed that sika deer foraging strategies vary with season in a forest with degraded understory vegetation.
Forest Ecology and Management, 484:118637.
神戸新聞: https://www.kobe-np.co.jp/news/sanda/202010/0013785497.shtml
39. Nakahama N*§.
Museum specimens: an overlooked and valuable material for conservation genetics.
Ecological Research, 36: 13-23.
本論文はEditors' Choiceに選ばれました。
本論文はTop Cited Article 2020-2021に選ばれました。
38. Maebara Y*, Tamaoki M*, Iguchi Y, Nakahama N, Hanai T, Nishino A, Hayasaka D§. (Equal Contribution*)
Genetic diversity of invasive Spartina alterniflora Loisel. (Poaceae) introduced unintentionally into Japan and its invasion pathway.
Frontiers in Plant Science, 11: 1357.
サイエンスポータル: https://scienceportal.jst.go.jp/news/newsflash_review/newsflash/2020/09/20200911_01.html
37. Uchida K*§, Koyama A, Ozeki M, Iwasaki T, Nakahama N, Suka T.
Does the local conservation practice of cultural ecosystem services maintain plant diversity in semi-natural grasslands in Kirigamine Plateau, Japan?
Biological Conservation, 250: 108737.
長野日報: http://www.nagano-np.co.jp/articles/66504
36. Kawakami Y*§, Yamazaki K, Ohashi K, Nakahama N.
Genetic structure, diversity, and demography based on mitochondrial DNA analysis of Cheilomenes sexmaculata (Coleoptera: Coccinellidae).
Entomological Science, 23: 385-392.
35. Yonezawa S*, Nakano T§, Nakahama N, Tomikawa K, Isagi Y.
Environmental DNA reveals the cryptic diversity of the subterranean amphipod genus Pseudocrangonyx Akatsuka & Komai, 1922 inhabiting central Japan (Amphipoda: Crangonyctoidea: Pseudocrangonyctidae).
Journal of Crustacean Biology, 40: 479-483.
34. Kato M*, Nakahama N*§, Izuno A, Hirai N, Ueda S, Isagi, Y. (Equal Contribution*)
Development of microsatellite markers for an extremely limited distributed rare diving beetle species, Acilius kishii, and a widely distributed species, A. japonicus (Coleoptera: Dytiscidae).
Entomological Science, 23: 204-207.
33. Sato D*, Ueda S§, Nakahama N, Izuno A, Isagi Y, Yago M, Hirai N.
Development of microsatellite markers for the endangered butterfly Zizina emelina (de l'Orza 1869) (Lepidoptera Lycaenidae).
Japanese Journal of Environmental Entomology and Zoology, 31: 21-26.
32. Nakahama N*§, Uchida K, Koyama A, Iwasaki T, Ozeki M, Suka T.
Construction of deer fences restores the diversity of butterflies and bumblebees as well as flowering plants in semi-natural grassland.
Biodiversity and Conservation, 29: 2201-2215.
中日新聞: https://www.chunichi.co.jp/article/nagano/20200410/CK2020041002000047.html
長野日報: http://www.nagano-np.co.jp/articles/60969
農業協同組合新聞: https://www.jacom.or.jp/nousei/news/2020/04/200415-41240.php
日本経済新聞: https://www.nikkei.com/article/DGKKZO58517040W0A420C2TJM000/
31. Nakahama N*§, Isagi Y, Ito M.
Methods for retaining well-preserved DNA with dried specimens of insects.
European Journal of Entomology, 116: 486-491.
本成果は神戸新聞2019年12月24日28面、朝日新聞2020年1月23日夕刊6面、ITmedia newsに掲載されました。
神戸新聞: https://i.kobe-np.co.jp/news/sougou/201912/0012984698.shtml
朝日新聞: https://www.asahi.com/articles/ASN1Q5RW5N1NULBJ00H.html
ITmedia NEWS: https://www.itmedia.co.jp/news/articles/1912/24/news098.html
30. Nakahama N*§, Suetsugu K, Ito A, Hino M, Yukawa T, Isagi Y.
Natural hybridization patterns between widespread Calanthe discolor (Orchidaceae) and insular Calanthe izu-insularison the oceanic Izu Islands.
Botanical Journal of the Linnean Society, 190(4): 436-449,
29. Katsuhara RK*§, Nakahama N, Komura T, Kato M, Miyazaki Y, Isagi Y, Ito M, Ushimaru A.
Development of microsatellite markers for the annual andromonoecious herb Commelina communis f. ciliata (Commelinaceae). Genes & Genetic Systems, 94: 133-138.
28. Suetsugu K*§, Nakahama N.
Infestation of Phalaenopsis aphrodite (Asparagales: Orchidaceae) flower buds by Japanagromyza tokunagai (Diptera: Agromyzidae) in a greenhouse on Shikoku Island, Japan.
Journal of Asia-Pacific Entomology, 22: 816-819.
27. Nakahama N*, Maebara Y*, Seko Y,* Sawahata T, Hayasaka D§. (Equal Contribution*)
Identification of the mitochondrial DNA haplotype of an invasive Linepithema humile (Mayr, 1868) (Hymenoptera: Formicidae) population in Okayama Prefecture, Japan, for its effective eradication.
Entomological News, 128: 217-225.
26. 速水将人*§, 岩崎健太, 新田紀敏, 中濵直之.
The Journal of Japanese Botany, 94: 117-122.
25. 中濵直之*§, 瀬口翔太, 藤本将徳, 有本久之, 伊藤建夫, 藤江隼平, 高柳敦.
大阪市立自然史博物館研究報告, 73: 91-106.
24. Arima K*, Kyogoku D*§, Nakahama N, Suetsugu K, Ohtani M, Ishii C, Terauchi H, Terauchi Y, Isagi Y. (Equal contribution*)
Mating pattern of a distylous primrose in a natural population: unilateral outcrossing and asymmetric selfing between sexual morphs.
Evolutionary Ecology, 33: 55-69.
23. Ollerton J*§ et al., including Nakahama N. (NN is 52nd)
The diversity and evolution of pollination systems in large plant clades: Apocynaceae as a case study.
Annals of Botany, 123: 311-325.
22. Sakata Y*§, Nakahama N.
Flexible pollination system in an unpalatable shrub Daphne miyabeana (Thymelaeaceae).
Plant Species Biology, 33: 239-247.
Plant Species Biology 論文賞受賞
21. Nakahama N*§, Uchida K, Ushimaru A, Isagi Y.
Historical changes in grassland area determined the demography of semi-natural grassland butterflies in Japan.
Heredity, 121: 155-168.
本成果は朝日新聞2018年2月27日35面、マイナビニュース 2018年3月2日、財経新聞2018年3月6日に掲載されました。
本論文はReaders' Choice: The best of Heredity 2018に選ばれました。
20. Nakahama N*§, Ito A, Kaneko S, Matsuki Y, Suyama Y, Hayano A, Murayama M, Isagi Y.
Development of microsatellite markers for endangered orchid Calanthe izu-insularis (Orchidaceae).
Genes & Genetic Systems, 93: 31-35.
19. Nakahama N*§, Isagi Y.
Recent transitions in genetic diversity and structure in the endangered semi-natural grassland butterfly, Melitaea protomedia, in Japan.
Insect Conservation and Diversity, 11: 330-340.
18. 津田優一*, 中濵直之*§, 加藤英寿, 井鷺裕司. (これら2名の著者は同等に貢献*)
保全生態学研究, 23: 127-136.
17. Nozaki T*§, Nakahama N, Suehiro W, Namba Y.
First record of the web spinner Haploembia solieri (Rambur, 1842) (Embioptera: Oligotomidae) in Japan.
Bioinvasions Records, 7: 211-214.
16. Suetsugu K*§, Nakahama N, Ito A, Isagi Y.
Time-lapse photography reveals the occurrence of unexpected bee-pollination in Calanthe izuinsularis, an endangered orchid endemic to the Izu archipelago.
Journal of Natural History, 51 (13-14): 783-792.
15. Nakahama N*§, Isagi Y.
Availability of short microsatellite markers from butterfly museum and private specimens.
Entomological Science, 20: 3-6.
14. Ojeda AP, Hilsdorf AWS, Leite AC, Yang A, Izuno A, He C, Zhou C, Kyogoku D, Canepple D, Zhu D, de Fonseca FS, Yin H, Kato H, Vilar JA,Li J, Peng J, Arima K, Zhu L, Yefeng LV, Tian M, Di M, Nakahama N, Li S, Wang W, Song W, Liu W, Liu X, Han X, Pan Y, Su Y, Tsuda Y, Isagi Y, Li Y, Zhuang Z, Bai Z, Zhou Z.
Microsatellite records for volume 8, issue 4.
Conservation Genetics Resources, 8: 587-594.
13. Nakahama N*§, Yamasaki M, Takayanagi A.
Mass emergence of a specialist sawfly species on unpalatable herbs under severe feeding pressure by sika deer.
Entomological Science, 19: 268-274.
12. Uchida K*§, Shinohara T, Takahashi S, Nakahama N, Takami Y, Ushimaru A.
Rediscovery of Celes akitanus (Orthoptera, Acrididae) from semi-natural grasslands in Japan.
Entomological Science, 19: 89-96.
11. Suetsugu K*§, Nakahama N, Ito A, Hino M, Isagi Y.
The sweat bee Lasioglossum occidens is a potential pollinator of Calanthe aristulifera in the oceanic Izu Islands.
Entomological News, 125: 368-373.
10. Nakahama N*§, Izuno A, Arima K, Isagi Y.
Development of microsatellite markers for the semi-natural grassland herb Veronicastrum japonicum (Plantaginaceae).
Applications in Plant Sciences, 4 (2): 1500096
9. Nakahama N*§, Uchida K, Ushimaru A, Isagi Y.
Timing of mowing practice greatly influences reproductive success and genetic diversity in endangered semi-natural grassland plant populations.
Agriculture, Ecosystems and Environment, 221: 20-27.
8. Nakahama N*§, Hirasawa Y, Minato T, Hasegawa M, Isagi Y, Shiga T.
Recovery of genetic diversity in threatened plants through use of germinated seeds from herbarium specimens.
Plant Ecology, 216(12): 1635-1647.
7. Nakahama N*§, Takayanagi A.
Longicorn Beetles Collected in Ashiu Forest, Kyoto Prefecture, Japan from 2008 to 2014.
Elytra New Series, 5: 251-256.
6. Nakahama N*§, Izuno A, Arima K, Isagi Y.
Development of microsatellite markers for two endangered grassland butterflies, Melitaea ambigua and M. protomedia (Nymphalidae), using Ion Torrent next-generation sequencing.
Conservation Genetic Resources, 7 (2): 525-527.
5. Ando H*§, Emura H, Denda T, Nakahama N, Inoue-Murayama M, Isagi Y.
Development of microsatellite markers for the coastal shrub Scaevola taccada (Goodeniaceae).
Applications in Plant Sciences, 2 (5): 1300094.
4. 中濵直之*§, 丑丸敦史, 井鷺裕司.
兵庫県宝塚市西谷地区における準絶滅危惧種スズサイコ Vincetoxicum pycnostelma Kitag.の繁殖特性及び訪花昆虫相.
地域自然史と保全. 35 (2): 115-123.
3. Nakahama N*, Miura R and Tominaga T§.
Preliminary Observations of Insect Visitation to Flowers of Vincetoxicum pycnostelma (Apocynaceae: Asclepiadoideae), an Endangered Species in Japan.
Journal of Entomological Science, 48 (2): 151-160.
2. Nakahama N*, Kaneko S, Hayano A, Isagi Y, Inoue-Murayama M, Tominaga T§.
Development of microsatellite markers for the endangered grassland species Vincetoxicum pycnostelma (Apocynaceae), using next-generation sequencing technology.
Conservation Genetics Resources, 4 (3): 669-671.
1. Ando K*§, Nakahama N.
Discovery of the Male of Strongylium tanakai ANDO (Coleoptera: Tenebrionidae).
The Entomological Review of Japan, 64: 37-39.